miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016


My partners' group spoke about inclusive schools. I think it is important because everybody have the same rights and possibilities of going to school and have a normal life. In addition, as well shown in the videos of the project, one of the most important things is the respect for individuality and develop the emotional and social skills in children. the world is nothing if not we promote respect for others and equality. The participation of the family in education is also important. I liked very much spoken language of signs in schools, because it seems to me a great idea. However, schools inclusive not only speaks of sign language, they should include all those facilities that we provide and may be useful to make life easier for people with difficulties.

Our project was "ICT and Learning Disabilities". For me, it has been a really interesting and important project, because I have learnt many things that I didn't know. We spoke about Autism, Down Syndrome and motor disabilities and how new technologies can help people who have these difficulties and make their lifes better. We defined a bit each difficultie and we showed some videos speaking about that. I think it is very important to know and understand these difficulties and all the rest that exist in the worl because we must helpand integrate the people who suffer them to make their life easier and better. They are people like everyone. I have learnt how much the techonology can help them. The instruments that are good for them are tablets and computers and also many apps and games. All these things help them to relate with other people, have fun, grow up their imagination, etc. It is good for them to use it at school. As all the students use them, they will feel also too much integrated in school and education and they can learn in a better way.
For people with motor disabilities, such as deaf or blind people, there are many resources, like apps that can tell the lesson, the activities or whatever by audio for them to have the same opportunities than the rest, it can also show it by letters, etc. It existis braile's books and sign languages lessons, etc. And also for people who have problems to move, there are different apps and games that can simulate the human's body and make them feel like if they were walking for example, they can also make some movements to develop their skills, it also exist some chips and robots that make them move with no difficulties, etc.

Their topic was "mediation". It is one of the most important things we have to develop and promote in schools, because children must know how to solve problems in a non-agresive way and respecting everybody. The first cause of problems is the diversity, which sometimes makes appears bullying, exclusion and violence. One way of solving it is wtih a intermediary, in a preventive and repaire way and the values that it must shows are confidentiallity, personal intervention and willingness. It doesn't exist only one person to be a mediator, mediator can be pupils, teachers and employed non-teaching staff. There is a program of ways of living together in schools, and it is called "Program to support peers". This program tries to find the problems and the solution to them, promote coexistence, stop abuse and foster direct participation.
The video showed the peers support, in which students explained that we must give help to the rest when they are in trouble, and we have to look at the eyes, speak in first person and respect them. It is very important to raise awareness pupils about it because they have to know how to solve problems in a good and respectful way.
They explained the archeology of feelings in school, which is a metaphor to look and find the problem, investigate it and find a solution.

They spoke about inclusive schools, what is very important nowadays for the education, to give the same oportunities to everybody.
I like a lot the video of school Padre Piquer school, which project was to make an school in La ventilla hood, where there is a difficult social situation which is an agreement between the Jesuits and the obra social Caja Madrid with the aim to bring a quality education to people more vulnerable, those with more social difficulties, and that their economic situation is not that defines their academic success. The school has students from twenty-seven different nationalities and poverty. It was a traditional education, with great diversity of students and created classroom cooperative multitasking. They are intended to encourage cooperative learning, multi-tasking, and the cooperative work of the teachers with a participative methodology based on learning by projects, the involvement of students in their learning and changing the role of teachers, who are not alone in the classroom.
They showed us another school, called Sadako School, which is based on learning by doing, the cooperative learning and the use of technology. I like a lot a sentence of one of the teachers, who said that what they want most is that students will be kind and happy people.
These two schools are very interesting and I like them a lot. They are really inclusive schools and their methodology is really good.

They spoke about social and emotional learning. They started the project speaking about the idea of Rafael Bisquerra, who defends that it must be another subject in schools because it is as important as language and mathematics and it will help students to know how they feel and prevent negative emotions, etc. They showed us how they will integrate this idea in a school, where they will speak with students about how they feel.  I like a lot their idea of promote "the emotional intelligence week", to look how students would feel in different situations.
They also wanted to promote the cooperative learning by stopping bullying making students know how they partners feel when they suffer bullying. It is very important and I think it is a good way to reduce bullying, because children have to be empathic and must respect everbody. They wanted to promote also the empathy of children by doing different activities such as "walk in my shoes" where students must be in the situation of their partners when they have a problem and know how they feel.

This group project is related with María's project. They spoke about "leadership".
They spoke about the characteristics of a good leader which are trust, he or she must be trust by the other and trust the others, innovation, recognition by the others, etc. A good leader have to respond to the needs of the rest and be a good example of a good person. He or she has to show values to the others, like respect, confidence, empathy, etc. to trust him or her.
A leadership is very important for school because it creates a good behaviour among students, effective teaching and learning, a good student self-discipline and greater cooperation. The existence of a leader doesn't mean that this person is more important thant the others, it is only a quetion of organization and good convivence between all the members of a group.
This project was very interesting even they didn't have enough time to explain it and their ideas.

They spoke about ICT and improvement school, where we can use apps, Ipods and robotic. But to have these tools at school includes formed teachers. We have to keep in  mind that nowadays children are digital natives and sometimes teachers are scared about new techologies so they have to give different courses in order to learn how to use it.
We must know how to integrate technology in education. One way it can be interesting the use of social networks and with that we can create a better relationship, but we have to be cared about the vertical ones, which are better, and the horizontal ones, which manipulate them.
With these technologies, children can be autodidactic with some tools such as "edmodo", wikis, blogspot, etc. where they can share information, photos, posts, videos... We have to promote also the diversity and critical thinking skills, for them to use it in a correct way.
The use of apps in classroom is very important for them to learn in a funny and motivated way. There are also some apps, like eduapp, where they can create an app and upload and it is really good for a class. They can revew content of the different subjects, homework, etc.

Their topic was "Community learning". In this way, the educational community is created by teachers, students and volunteers, and they have to attend to different requirements: colaboration, cooperation, coordination and comunication.
On the one hand, we have to keep in mind that the teacher is not the only person who has the knowledge, he or she must be a guide to guide students to create their own knowledge. The teacher must give them help, motivation, etc.
On the other hand, volunteers share their knowledge by experiences. In that way, students learn not only content, they learn values too, such as diversity, respect, empathy... They have to cooperate with teacher to get the best of their students.
With this methodology we create a dynamic, interesting and funny education, and we offer motivation to the students too.


I liked a lot these projects because I have learnt something different from all of them. I have increase my knowledge and I have feel really motivated with all the projects. With that, we have to aware us about how important is the inclussion of everybody in the education and it doesn't mindo their social position, nationality or disabilites, he important thing is that all of us merit the same opportunities. Another thing I have learnt is how important are new technologies in school, to help student to create their own knowledge and help them to have a better life.  

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